10 min read
WDIS AI-ML Series: Module 1 Lesson 6: Practical Exercise: Exploring real world Applications of AI/ML
Written by
Vinay Roy
Published on
10th Mar 2024

We have reached a point in our journey where we can start playing with some key applications of AI to learn why suddenly AI has gained an inflection point. We discussed some key applications of AI in Lesson 1.

Hands-on application of AI

Let us start using some AI tools to gain a deeper understanding of these applications.

Narrate the world around you with Seeing AI:

Developed by Microsoft, Seeing AI is an app designed for visually impaired users. It uses AI to provide real-time descriptions of the user's surroundings, recognize people's faces, read text aloud, and more.

  1. Visit https://www.seeingai.com/ and download Seeing AI app from App Store or Play Store
  2. Open the app and it’d start camera to scan the stuff around you
  3. Select various options like text, document, product, scene, person, currency, color, handwriting etc to scan and listen description about the camera captured content

Chat with a document using ChatGPT or ChatPDF - Natural Language Generator

  1. Visit https://www.chatpdf.com/
  2. Upload any pdf document
  3. Once uploaded, it’d provide a quick summary about the document being uploaded and some sample questions that can be asked
  4. Through the chat window, try asking any questions related to the document

AI Image Generator using Deepdreamgenerator

  1. Visit https://deepdreamgenerator.com/
  2. In the textbox given write description of the image you’d like to generate and hit search button
  3. Some other similar platforms are Midjourney, OpenArt, runwayml

Resume Scanner - CVAIScan

  1. Visit https://cvaiscan.com/en
  2. Upload your resume pdf file
  3. It’d give you overall resume score, some job roles to be searched on linkedin and few other helpful suggestions like linkedin heading suggestions, important missing skills in the resume etc.

Deep Nostalgia - MyHeritage

Do you have historic family photographs of distant relatives or ancestors who you’d like to see in motion? This innovative tool lets you animate the faces in family photos so you can see them smile, blink, and laugh, just as if you had recorded a video of them back in the day.

  1. Visit https://www.myheritage.com/ and signup for a free account
  2. Go to Photos tab  and select Animate Photos
  3. Upload a photo of any person to see them in action

Text to audio - Murf

  1. Visit https://murf.ai/ and signup for free account
  2. Select create project on home page
  3. Provide a name to your project, select Audio tab and type of audio you would like to create like Article & Blog or podcast or IVR system
  4. Write the text that you want to convert in the text box and select the type of voice you desire from the given options
  5. Convert and listen

Random Person’s Image Generator - Thispersondoesnotexist

  1. Visit https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/
  2. You’ll see AI generated image of a person
  3. You’ll see a new image everytime you visit or refresh the page

Thousands of AI applications are coming up every day. What we shared above was just a small list to spark your thoughts. Open AI has also released a GPT Marketplace https://chat.openai.com/gpts

If you are interested in discussing how to leverage AI or how to use AI to build a product, feel free to book a time on our calendar.

As a photographer, it’s important to get the visuals right while establishing your online presence. Having a unique and professional portfolio will make you stand out to potential clients. The only problem? Most website builders out there offer cookie-cutter options — making lots of portfolios look the same.

That’s where a platform like Webflow comes to play. With Webflow you can either design and build a website from the ground up (without writing code) or start with a template that you can customize every aspect of. From unique animations and interactions to web app-like features, you have the opportunity to make your photography portfolio site stand out from the rest.

So, we put together a few photography portfolio websites that you can use yourself — whether you want to keep them the way they are or completely customize them to your liking.

12 photography portfolio websites to showcase your work

Here are 12 photography portfolio templates you can use with Webflow to create your own personal platform for showing off your work.

1. Jasmine

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